We are living in the era of the internet or digital finance. The Internet had become as much an impotent part of our life. Cryptocurrency is also a part of this huge internet. We must know the evolution of the medium of exchange. At first use a Bater system (things in exchange for things). The use of metal coins like Gol, Silver, Copper, etc. then use paper notes is made it a more convenient way of exchange. In this fast-moving internet world now it is beyond all that physical notes and coins and here comes Cryptocurrency. It is a medium of exchange that works on the internet (computer) in blockchain technology. It is decentralized and not regulated by any financial body.
As we know there are a lot of cryptocurrencies but Bitcoin is
the most famous now. It was invented in 2009 as a decentralized currency. It is
a digital currency or it is not regulated by any institution. Transection is
verified by nodes on the blockchain. It is said that it was invented by Satoshi
Nakamoto and it is in use since 2009.
How to buy or sell Crypto?
After getting all the information about crypto now it's time to invest or own the digital asset let's know how to buy or sell cryptocurrency. To buy and sell crypto you need an exchange means you need to create an exchange account and store the crypto in your digital wallet. If you simply want to trade in crypto you just need a brokerage account rather than an exchange account.